New year, new me?

With Ramadan almost here to greet us, we begin to prepare for it’s presence. While we adorn our homes with twinkling lights, stars and moons, we arrange tasty food to make in advance and ensure we have enough prayer mats and clothes for our visitors when breaking fast together.

However, sometimes we get caught up in the hype of it all, without realising the most important part of Ramadan is our connection with Allah (SWT). Praying on time. Waking up for Tahajjud. Staying up for Taraweeh. Reading and reciting Quran everyday. Making as much duaa as we possibly can.

Imagine being given that opportunity, where Allah (SWT) is giving you an entire month in the year as a free pass. All you have to do is worship Him by fasting, praying and making duaa for all thing things you dream of. That’s it. All Allah (SWT) wants from us is to worship Him and remember Him in our daily routines. To incorporate our religion with everything we do. And what better way to start or ‘better ourselves’ as good Muslims, than in the month of Ramadan?

Ramadan. The month of worship. Repentance. The month of giving. Of forgiveness. Fasting. The month of the Quran. The one month in the entire year where the gates of heaven are opened and all the devils are chained, and we’ve been given the opportunity for a clean slate to start over.

Those who see it, neglect it. And the one’s who don’t, wish they can come around to it. Don’t take it for granted, as we don’t know if we’ll ever see it again. So make the most of it. Treat Ramadan like your “new year, new me”. 

Work on being the best person you possibly can. In every aspect. I’m not saying jump into it so quickly that you forget how you got there. Slowly but surely, you will. Just start. Do you want to work on praying on time? Start now. Do you want to start dressing modestly? Start now. Want to put the hijab on but don’t know when? Start now. Now. Ramadan. This is your chance to make the change you’ve been yearning to make. Just start.

I thought this was a great way to open the ‘Ramadan Blog Series’ for the coming month to have you prepped and ready for Ramadan/Eid. Whether you want to work on you, work on finding modest clothing, learn how to decorate your home in a beautiful and islamic manner, or simply how to setup a dinner spread, you’ll find it all here in the next few weeks.

Before anything, we must first learn to be the best of who we are, in order to spread the best of what we have. Therefore, this blog post is about bettering ourselves as Muslims and individuals this Ramadan. I speak for myself before anyone, however I wanted to share some things we can all do to be the best version of who we can be.

1. Prayer and Praying on time

This is the most important above anything you can do to be a better Muslim generally and during Ramadan. Praying is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. After Shahada (the testimony) to validate you are a Muslim, comes prayer. Prayer is the one act that separates a Muslim from any other religion. It is the form we practice to show our worship to Allah (SWT), our method of communication to Him and the path of which our prayers are listened to and Insha’Allah answered. 

It is one thing to perform your prayers, and another to do so once the Adhan is called. A Hadith narrated by ‘Abdullah according to Sahih al-Bukhari 527 (Vol. 1, Book 10, Hadith 505) states "I asked the Prophet () "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times.”. 

We may be praying, but to perform our prayers correctly and promptly is where we start to build a stronger faith in our religion and in Allah (SWT). The connection reaches such a deep level, that only you can feel and others can see. It is also the strongest form of communication you can have with your creator, one on one. During your prayer is where you confide in Allah (SWT) to grant all your dreams and wishes. Why waste that opportunity when you have the privilege to do it 5 times a day?

Set an alarm on your phone for your 5 daily prayers. This can help with reminding you to get up and pray on time. Downloading a prayer app is also helpful, where each prayer is called for with Adhan or a simple alert message. Either way, try and commit to getting up and performing prayer once you see the notification or hear the alarm.

Furthermore, Ramadan is the holy month of the year. Performing extra prayers is always so beneficial to boost our good deeds and try to make a positive change in ourselves. Praying Taraweeh, waking up for Tahajjud before performing Fair Prayer and attending Laylatul Qadr (if you can) are all minor things we can do to better ourselves as Muslims. 

By working on creating that deeper connection with Allah (SWT) is the key to achieving all your goals and successions in this life, as well as the hereafter.

2. Reading Quran daily

Reading Quran is your daily guide in life. You need it to help cultivate your pathway on earth, to help you achieve heaven in the hereafter. Which is our ultimate goal. To please Allah (SWT) and be of the righteous. 

The Quran teaches you how to do everything. How to talk, dress, behave, what to do when things get tough, how to respond to certain matters, how to be patient, how to be confident, literally everything and anything you can think of to better yourself, is right there in the Quran. 

Try reading Quran daily, at least 1 page a day, as it can help you read better Arabic (for those who aren’t strong or as fluent), it can teach you new things you may not have known prior, it can answer questions you didn’t know had answers to, and can pretty much heal your soul internally and externally.

Quran brings you closest to Allah (SWT), and once you're close to Allah (SWT) and develop that relationship with Him, life feels a lot easier. I’m not saying it is, but by then you’ll have the answers to know how to respond in given circumstances.

You may have a daily journal that gets you through the year, recording all your goals and ambitions. The Quran is what will shape those answers to work closer to your dreams. It is what will keep you steadfast and questioning whether or not these dreams are worth it, and what your end goal is.

Because at the end of the day, no matter what you do or hope for, if Allah (SWT) is not present in your life, best believe neither is heaven in the hereafter. So work hard. Make them dreams come true. But always have Allah (SWT) present. Ask yourself if what you are doing or trying to achieve going to make Allah (SWT) happy.

3. Charity and helping others

This is a time in our lives where the people who have less need us the most. Especially now, with everything happening in Gaza and many other oppressed countries such as Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan and so on. People who have no food, no shelter, no medicine, no clothes, no family. Who are we to have been blessed with so much by Allah’s mercy, not able to give even the smallest of what we can afford?

According to a Hadith narrated by Asma’ bint Abu Bakr (Vol. 2, Book 24, Hadith 515)that she had gone to the Prophet and he said, "Do not shut your money bag; otherwise Allah too will with-hold His blessings from you. Spend (in Allah's Cause) as much as you can afford”. When you give to charity and spend for the sake of Allah (SWT), He will double and triple your wealth by replacing what you have spent. 

Don’t hesitate to spend what you can. And if you can’t, or don’t earn any money, then one should do good deeds and keep away from evil. Another Hadith narrated by Abu Burda (Vol. 2, Book 24, Hadith 524) states “from his father from his grandfather that the Prophet said, "Every Muslim has to give in charity." The people asked, "O Allah's Prophet! If someone has nothing to give, what will he do?" He said, "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." The people further asked, "If he cannot find even that?" He replied, "He should help the needy who appeal for help." Then the people asked, "If he cannot do that?" He replied, "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds and this will be regarded as charitable deeds.”

There is no excuse as to what we can offer to people in need. Even if you have no earnings, by simply performing good deeds and staying away from harm or evil is regarded as charitable deeds.

The beauty in our religion and it’s ease in allowing us to gain good deeds is so captivating, that sometimes we do these things without realising how valuable they are to Allah (SWT). So keep at it, and continue to work on yourself, for you are a vessel waiting to be returned to it’s owner in it’s best condition.

4. Increasing your knowledge

We’re all guilty of thinking we know so much about something, only to find out we actually only know about 5% of it. Knowledge is power. With what you know, allows you to enter discussions, difficult conversations, opinions and potentially ‘healthy’ disagreements. Nonetheless, the more one knows, the more they can share. 

Increasing your knowledge about your religion, interests, curiosities in life, whatever it may be, not only brings you closer to Allah (SWT), but by creating a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose in this life.

Listening to lectures by well-known scholars such as Belal Assaad, Mufti Menk, Ali Hammuda, Omar Suleiman and the list goes on, allows you to open doors of knowledge you may not have been exposed to before.

I love listening to what they have to say about the prophets stories, the sahaba’s, the women in Islam, the way a Muslim woman should behave, etc. They bring such a strong light in to your life and wake you up to things you may be guilty of.

It’s a reminder for you to constantly be putting Allah (SWT) first in your life with any and every decision you make. “Will this make Allah (SWT) happy?”. “Am I pleasing Allah (SWT) by doing this?”.

Keep Allah (SWT) at the forefront of your mind. And ask all the questions you need answers to. Don’t hesitate to ask a qualified sheikh, or listen to lectures or do your own research. Although, always be cautious of the research you make and ensure they support their Hadith with strong resources.

These days, it may be a little hard to find solid justifications without a verse from the Quran or strong hadith to back it up. So be mindful, seek knowledge and do your part in this world that’ll make Allah (SWT ) happy.

5. Fasting

Considering this post is about bettering yourself and becoming a better Muslim this Ramadan, it’s crucial to note that fasting is one of the most important acts of worship during this holy month. Sourced from the book Kitab Al-Sawm (The Book of Fasting), (Book 35, Hadith 2566) "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Allah the Exalted and Majestic said: Every act of the son of Adam is for him, except fasting. It is (exclusively) meant for Me and I (alone) will reward it”. 

With everything we have been blessed with in this life, fasting for the sake of Allah (SWT) is the absolute least any one of us can do. It is a beautiful way to connect with Allah (SWT), feel with those who have less than you, learn self-control among so many other advantages. 

’Fasting is primarily an institution for a spiritual discipline and self-control’. It is stated in Kitab Al-Sawm, translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 6, that that man (people in general), can easily lose focus or control over temptations and worldly desires.

Therefore, fasting is a way to remember Allah (SWT), by staying on the path of Islam and strengthening ones morality and self-control. Furthermore, the Qur'an clearly states that a man cannot attain salvation unless he learns to restrain his self from low desires’. 

Living in a world that is overly consumed with haram temptations and desires can easily lead one astray. If your faith is weak, if you have little knowledge, if the people around you can easily manipulate you into haram, then you’ve fallen into the tracks of the shaytaan (devil). This is what the shaytaan wants. To remove us from our faith in Allah (SWT), and lure us into this materialistic abomination.

Nothing, absolutely nothing in this world is worth anything if you don’t have Allah (SWT) present in your life. Without Him, you are nothing. You have nothing. Allah (SWT) is the all-giving. The all-knowing. He know’s your intentions. Your thoughts and dreams. And only Allah (SWT) can make these things come true. How can you deny the Lord of the world’s, when it is He who owns it all? 

This is why being lured into materialistic temptations and worldly desires can stray you away from Islam. Weaken your faith. Allah (SWT) loves us so much, He’s given us the opportunity to spend an entire month devoted to Him by the simple act of fasting. By avoiding any foods or drink from dawn to sunset, with the intention of empathising with those who have less than you and remembering that is is Allah (SWT) who is the Lord of the world's. The most Gracious. The most Merciful.

We are on this earth for one purpose. And that is to serve Allah (SWT), worship Him and follow the footsteps of His messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). With the Quran as our life guide, and hadith that reinforces the Prophet’s teachings, we have been given surmountable knowledge to be lead onto the straight path.

Utilising this knowledge and applying it in our daily lives is how we will achieve being better Muslims. Better people and generally better individuals.

Intend to do good for yourself and others. Intend to want to be better for the sake of Allah (SWT), and make a change. As I mentioned above, we’re truly all a work in progress. And not one of us is perfect. However striving to achieve Allah (SWT) love and blessing goes beyond anything we can dream of.

May Allah (SWT) shower countless blessings upon you and your family, and may your fast and prayers be accepted and your duaa heard. I hope we all live to see this Ramadan and many more after this. Insha’Allah you all have an amazing Ramadan this year and a Happy Eid.

Lots of Love


If you loved this article, be sure to check out my blog post,

'Luxurious Ways To Decorate Your Home This Ramadan'

You can find me on Instagram posting a lot more glamorous content

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