You want to wear the hijab but don’t know where to start. It’s been brewing in your mind for some time, you just don’t know what to do.

Do I buy hijabs first?

Do I wear long, modest clothing?

Do I throw out my wardrobe and buy a new one?

One excuse after the other, the idea of wearing the hijab becomes too intense so you keep postponing because somehow, ‘you’re not ready’.

Before you lose it, get in the right mindset, calm down, think clearly and then make a decision on what your next move should be.

You may have people around you telling you not to wear it. Some even from family members.

There may be others telling you the only way to wear it is if you wear it 100% and jump straight in the deep end.

Hijab should not be a difficult decision. At the end of the day, you are doing it to become closer to Allah (SWT), to protect yourself against any harm and to portray yourself as a modest Muslim woman.

However, taking the first step can be a little intimidating. You will face great responsibility wearing it. People will conceive you differently compared to when you aren’t wearing a hijab.

The difference is, it is now clear to others that you are a Muslim. It is also one step further to being closer to Allah (SWT).

It is not a burden to wear hijab. It never should be. Hijab protects you from evil. It protects you from harm. It protects you from falling into haram.

Wearing it should make you feel empowered. It should make you feel strong. You should be wearing it with your head held high, that you are making Allah (SWT) happy and yourself happy.

Your hijab is the crown on your head. When a Queen wears her crown, she wears it truly knowing her value and role in society. As you should when you wear your hijab.

I’ve listed a few steps I think are crucial to undertake prior to your commitment in wearing hijab. Save them, understand them, apply them.

May Allah (SWT) make this journey easy for you.


First and foremost, before making any major decisions in your life, you need to research all the information you can gather, weigh your options and then act upon your choice.

You may want to ask your mother for advice, older siblings, close relatives, someone you know wearing it, someone you look up to (also wearing it), or possibly an influencer that you follow.

Ask them what it’s like, why they wear it, how it makes them feel. Sometimes, asking the people you love may have an even higher influence on your decision to wearing the hijab. I know many people who wore it purely because many of their surroundings were wearing it.

It’s always good to do research through multiple sources. It doesn’t only have be via Google. You can also read books, listen to podcasts (if there are any relating to hijab) or watch videos. There are so many options out there. Utilise them all and fully comprehend the decision you’re making.

Once you are inundated with knowledge, you’ll start to feel a lot more confident. Your doubts will go away, your excuses will vanish and your choice will become a lot clearer.

I’m not saying wear the hijab because someone else is, or because it’s enforced on you. I’m saying understand why you are wearing it. When you have information that can back up your actions, it’ll make wearing the hijab so much more fun and with value. Nothing is more draining than doing something without knowing the reason why.

Understand the true value of wearing the hijab. The importance of why it is crucial in Islam. Embrace it, and then take action.


You’ve researched the true meaning of wearing the hijab. You’re convinced, yet there’s still a voice at the back of your head telling you “You’re too young, wait till next year, no one will think you’re pretty, blah blah blah”.

We’ve all thought it. When I put the scarf on, it was the first day of high school. I wasn’t entirely convinced with wearing it, however I always thought “I rather wear it now so people know me with it on, than having to go through it when I’m older and it gets harder”.

But don’t think throughout the years wearing it wasn’t hard. I would always look at others and say, “I wish I had my hair out; I would’ve looked so much better without it on, getting dressed would be so much easier”. Times that would happen, I would literally tell myself to shut up.

Many years later, I’m attending events that consist of females dressed to their absolute best. Beautiful hair, stylish clothes, as glamorous as they get. Best part about it, I’m usually one of the only hijabis there. You would think that would be intimidating? Absolutely not. I’m even more confident with my modesty and the way I look. I can appreciate a beautiful person without having to make myself feel less than I am.

And a bonus, you’re most likely to be most remembered considering you’re the one standing out in the crowd. Think of that next time you’re in a similar situation ;).

Moral of the story, having self-discipline when deciding to wear the hijab is crucial from leading you astray. Don’t listen to all the negative talk about yourself, don’t compare yourself to others, EVER! And most definitely don’t ever think you’re less beautiful with it on. 

Believe in yourself, believe in the reason you are doing this, believe in the idea that wearing the hijab will have a more positive impact on your life, and believe that you truly are beautiful. If you believe, others will too.


Now for the best part.


If you’re like me, you’ll raid the internet finding unique and exquisite pieces. I personally would rather buy garments that aren’t typically found in stores majority of people shop in. Mainly, because I like the exclusivity, and also who wants to look like everybody else?

Whichever you prefer, have fun doing it. There are many businesses who sell “hijab starter packs”. You can start with those if you don’t want to go too crazy. Otherwise, go to the stores and experiment with how to wear a hijab. What material works for you, what outfits you like the most, etc.

Realistically speaking, it’s quite difficult to jump from one way of dressing into wearing something completely different. I believe that’s a path on its own and once you feel ready, you’ll eventually change the way you dress. I’m currently on that path where I would love to eliminate wearing pants/trousers and jump in to wearing only dresses and skirts. However, it takes strong will and commitment. Once you start, you don’t want to go back to square one.

Take your time doing this. Try looking for outfits and hijabs that look best on you and make you feel amazing. At the end of the day, confidence radiates from within. Cliché. But it’s true. If you feel confident, you’ll look confident.


Being committed generally, is quite the responsibility. Whether it be a relationship, your job, a show you’re watching, deciding if you want to wear the hijab or not…

One thing they all have in common. Commitment. If you aren’t committed in your relationship, you’ll lose it. If you aren’t committed to your job, you won’t get paid. If you don’t commit to watching the latest episode of whatever it is you’re watching, how will you know what happens next?

The same with hijab. If you aren’t committed to wearing it, it’ll come right off. You need to be 110% committed that this is a permanent life decision you’re willing to make. This is something you’re doing for your creator, for yourself and for future generations. Take it seriously.

You may choose to wear it on your birthday, at the start of the new year, the month of Ramadan, Eid, or it could be a time you are feeling closest to Allah (SWT) and want to make that change. Whenever that time is, don’t hesitate. And most importantly. Be committed with the decision you’re making.

It’s a journey for us all, and it can get really tough at times. But when you have self-discipline mixed with a dose of commitment, you have yourself a beautiful, strong, pious Muslim woman.

(I can only say committed so many times…)

Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the woman you are becoming. Enjoy every moment of it.


Your Hijab is Your Crown.

If you feel motivated and would love to learn more, be sure to check out my article on

'10 luxury gifts for your husband'.

You can find me on instagram posting a lot more glamorous content

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