Modesty is a branch of faith.

What constitutes modesty?

 The answer varies depending on individual perspectives.

For some, it entails dressing conservatively, covering most of one's body without revealing excess skin. Others view it as being fully covered from head to toe. Conversely, some perceive modesty as embodying humility regarding one's abilities and accomplishments.

Defining modesty is multifaceted as there isn't a singular interpretation that encapsulates its entirety. Rather, it comprises numerous elements that contribute to a person's modest demeanor.

In Islam, modesty is tied to our faith. According to the hadith,

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts). And Haya (This term "Haya" covers a large number of concepts which are to be taken together; amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashfulness, and scruple, etc.) is a part of faith."

Hence, modesty is believed to be “a branch of faith”.

Modesty In Islam

In Islam, the concept of modesty extends to both men and women and is deeply intertwined with one's faith. True modesty is not merely about physical covering but encompasses a broader understanding of 'Akhlaq'—good manners and behaviour.

For Muslim women, recognising the significance of modesty transcends outward appearance. It's about how one interacts with family, parents, spouses, and even strangers—a reflection of one's faith and character. Despite common misconceptions associating modesty solely with the hijab, the truth is far richer.

Modesty isn't just about concealing external beauty; it's about nurturing inner beauty—the refinement of one's soul or 'nafs.' When inner contentment radiates outwardly, it naturally embodies modesty, without the need for physical exposure.

Islam teaches us how to be good people, and how to protect ourselves from harm. Isn't that what everyone is trying to do anyway? 

Yet this is a part of our faith.

The beauty in that is amazing.

Dressing Modestly

Wearing modest attire is just one aspect of embodying modesty within Islam. This principle isn't exclusive to women but applies equally to men.

Misconceptions among the uninformed or those unfamiliar with Islamic teachings, often presume that Muslim women are compelled by their families or spouses to cover themselves. In truth, the practice of dressing modestly, including covering from head to toe, is perceived as a divine gift from Allah (SWT), serving as a safeguard against unwanted attention or potential harm.

In Islam, it is stated in Surah Al-Ahzab, Ayah 59 (33:59),

“O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful”.

Wearing the hijab as a Muslim woman is more than a garment; it's a symbol that sets you apart, defining your identity without the need for words. By covering your beauty, it protects you from harms way and conceals you from wondering eyes, shielding you from attracting the wrong people. 

I once came across a quote regarding women who wear the hijab: ’a woman modestly dressed, is as a pearl in its' shell’. Meaning the scarcity of something precious has so much more value than something waiting to be picked up from the surface.

Remember, whenever you’re wearing the hijab and dressing modestly amongst people who aren’t, that you’re just a pearl inside and only someone worthy and deserving of you will find it.

Have confidence, have faith and believe that when you try to make Allah (SWT) happy, He will multiply your happiness tenfold.

Being A modest person

Modesty extends beyond outward appearance to encompass our conduct, character, and demeanor. Embracing modesty in every facet of our lives bridges the gap between our personal identity and our religious beliefs.

What is the purpose of covering from head to toe if you speak ill of others, or speak a language so foul? Or the point of covering your body if you have hungry eyes or seek the wrong attention? What benefit is it to you if you cover your hair and body, yet don’t follow the rest of your religious requirements? Simply adhering to the external requirements of modesty, yields little benefit.

Allah (SWT) has enjoined upon us the concealment of our beauty and the cultivation of modest behaviour, not as burdensome obligations, but as means of personal betterment and protection.

As Muslim women, our paths diverge, each marked by unique experiences and challenges. Whether adorned with the hijab or not, whether naturally reserved or outgoing, whether deeply entrenched in faith or striving to strengthen our connection with Allah (SWT), we are all on individual journeys toward self-improvement.

These journeys are marked by trials that serve to refine and fortify our faith. As long as the desire for positive change resides within our hearts, we strive to translate that intention into action, seeking to earn the pleasure of Allah (SWT).


I hope this brings some light in your life to help steer you away from evil and bring you closer to Allah (SWT).

The shaytaan’s duty is to whisper in our ears and steer us away from Allah (SWT). This is why we may feel weak at times. We try and justify something wrong by creating some loophole to make it right. 

Resist the deception of shaytaan. Do not allow him to manipulate or dominate you.

Seek forgiveness and pray. 

Avoid missing your daily prayers.

Remember to make duaa and ask Allah (SWT) for His Forgiveness and His Mercy.

We’re all beings, simply put on this earth as a test and to work on our akhirah. 

Don’t lose sight of what’s important. 

Stay focused, and remember Allah (SWT) always!

Ramadan Kareem x

If you loved this article, be sure to check out my blog post,

'Ways You Can Increase Your Good Deeds This Ramadan'

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