Chapter 1

Trust the magic of new beginnings...

The first day of the year 2024. The year you will make all your dreams come true. 

What you dream of, what you wish, hope and pray for, is about to make a grand entrance into your life. The things you've been dreaming about before you sleep, talking about non-stop, working to make happen. All the time, every minute, every hour of every day you've spent. Every month. To get you to where you are today.

The beginning of an end. 

Last year is the past. What's done is done. Its the beginning of a new chapter. Like when you first start to read the sequel of a book you've been loving. And anticipating the next book just to see what happens. You are now living it. Now, is the next book. Yet, you just started. You don't know what's going to happen, or what to expect. Unless you keep reading. You gotta keep going.


Without it. You'll never finish that book. So keep going. Just like your life. What you're working on. Your business? An assignment? Is it work? Or making a dream come true. Keep on going. You won't ever know how the story ends, if you don't finish reading. So keep going. Go until you know. Until you can say, I did it. 

Learn new skills. Read. Educate yourself on things that intrigue you. Even if it's a hobby. Learn about it. Be better at it. All these little things, define you. Who are you? Do you love cooking? Do you find yourself at peace when you're in nature? Or maybe when you're in an air-conditioned shopping centre, with all your favourite stores around you (me)? You could just love knitting. Or even playing golf. It doesn't matter. Whatever it is you enjoy. Do. Build on yourself. Be the best version you can possibly be. Work on who you are. And I say this as a reminder for myself the loudest. Work on who you are! Do you have a patience problem? Or can't control your anger? Work on it. 

To fully understand how something works, you need to learn about it first. Right? You would research, then do some more research. Maybe even have a discussion or two among your family and friends. That way it's really embedded in your brain. And once you've done all the learning you possibly can. Learn some more. Read. Find books. Speak to others who may have the same issue. Only then, you may start to apply it to yourself. So when someone asks, "how did you do it". You have an encyclopedia of knowledge you're ready and confident to share.

   Exercise. Feed your soul nutritious food. As cliche as that sounds. It's so true. Once you eat good food, train your body even for a little while, you feel so much better! We've all tried. We know it works. Only problem is, we never commit. We need to try and persist with the changes were trying to make, so we can actually see them. You know what I mean? Like one of my goals for 2024, is to wake up at 5am. Get the day started before my daughter is up, and get work done. That way I have a little extra time for myself. Start the day nice and fresh. 

New beginnings exist so you can start again. If you feel like you've failed, you know you can always get back and start again. That's why we have 365 chances to restart for an entire year. Until the new year begins after that. It's a never ending cycle. But the sooner your start, the sooner you'll start to see change. Just start. There's no perfect time to start. You just do. At the end of the day, time will always pass. It may as well pass with you working on making your dreams come true.

With that being said, I thought I'll leave you guys a little wisdom for the new year to help motivate and encourage you to start the engine running. With all the metaphors that can be said, I will say that you are worth it. Your dreams are only a set of goals away and all it takes is some discipline, consistency and determination to achieve the impossible. Because nothing really is impossible.

I hope you have an amazing year and I hope all your dreams become your reality. 

Happy New Year <3

If you loved this article, be sure to check out my blog post,

'How to better your self-confidence'

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